Sunday, October 27, 2024

Christmas Tales & Wishes - Order today for a free book with every purchase (for a Limited Time)

The Chapel on the Hill

In a faraway land, where the pink skies reached down to the rolling green meadows

and verdant gardens filled with wildflowers grew plentifully, was a chapel built on a hill. 

People could see the chapel from far across the valley, as far as another horizon, across mountaintops, and even from the deep forests surrounding the meadows. Why, the forests were enchanted, and the animals who lived there perked their ears when the church bell rang every morning, and they whispered, Tsk, tsk, the people below are stubborn. None hear the bells toll. The church stands empty, without a visitor. They don’t care that it stands alone.

The animals never missed a thing that happened on the hill, and their whispers were in secret.

The church spire was the tallest anyone had ever seen. It almost reached the sky!

During the day, it was adorned with the sun’s glow, and at night, covered by a crown of stars.

If you'd like a copy of the book- please email me @

I shall get back to you with the details

Get a book FREE with every book you purchase. For early orders only. So, don't hesitate to place your orders.

Why Christmas Tales & Wishes?

Christmas Tales & Wishes is a great book to gift your loved ones, friends, and family - given the occasion. You can buy in bulk, and get free copies and add it to your gift list.

For Book Reviews, go here

Here's a thought for the week. "Never give up on your dreams. You get to decide which dream to pursue, The choice is yours and only yours."

Have a great week ahead.


Wednesday, October 23, 2024

A Word on Autonomy

A word on Autonomy:

Countries that thrive often advocate autonomy. Autonomy allows the leaders and their people to live with choices - the choices to make the right decisions, the freedom to live them, and the will to be responsible for their actions.

Begin with our children. Begin at home. Teach them the values that impart courage, love, friendship,  and knowledge. 

Then, as the children grow, they become responsible adults. 

When there are responsible adults in this world, they will care for every human on the planet.

Selfishness and greed have created much disrepute in this world. 

It is about time to change the world for the better.


The wonders and joys of Christmas are relived in Christmas Tales & Wishes.

There's a story for everyone in this book; Mom, Dad, & Child.

A Christmas Publication: Here's an excerpt.

The lights on the pine trees surrounding our cottage sparkled as they lined the pathway, right up to the doorway to our house. They glittered and shone in the whitest of apparitions, though none of the decorations could outshine the sheer luminance of a jewelled sky above.

The snow, crystallised as the jewels of the sky, fell to the ground in cascades of delicate movements.

Every flake I caught in my gloved palms, melting as it disappeared, held me in awe. One by one,

they dripped below, freezing upon the ground they touched.

If you'd like a copy sent to you, please send me an email: at and I will get back to you with the cost and delivery date.

Thank you.

If you'd like your books reviewed at discounted rates, please check the link here,  and email me.

Thank you.


Saturday, October 19, 2024

Relive the wonders of Christmas - A Christmas Publication soon to be published.

Here's a sneak preview of what's inside:

Christmas begins

With kingly thoughts


A Wishful heart

The Star of David shines brightly to lead the way to a stable forlorn


Whilst angels played the harps

With golden bowls of incense   

Heavenly songs of praise 

Filled the Earth




Let them shine, let them shine

Let the light shine bright to spring forth the colours of Christmas 

Shine on YOU

Shine on ME

Shine on Every Man

who walks the Earth

A Poem 

A Wish to End Wars

As a child, I loved stories that began with “Once Upon A Time.” It took me to a distant scene,

someplace that would create intrigue and adventure for the child in me.

Then I loved Christmas for the specialness of the season. Christmas carried an air of

merriment and joy for even the most downtrodden. Christmas gave me renewed upliftment.

The stories here will intrigue, and fill you with a sense of adventure and renew your love

for Christmas.

Let Christmas be the season to enlighten minds and hearts, and peace reign throughout

the universe.

Silent Night, Holy Night, All is Calm, All is Bright, Round Yon Virgin Mother and Child,

Sleep in Heavenly Peace, Sleep in Heavenly Peace!

May that Golden Peace that we seek remain with us forever.

The Heavens did open up joyously, as the newborn brought forth a new love for creation.

Titles of Stories in this Book

On a Christmas Morn, the Snow Falls Delicately

A Wish Come True

The Chapel on the Hill

Look out for the date of publication.

I can't wait to share this book with you.

Do you want your books reviewed? A special offer for a limited time.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Carpe Diem & A Sneak Preview

The importance of "seizing the moment" has never been more relevant than in recent times.

With the wars waging, the decline in people's confidence as they face the grave challenges of life, and the various calamities and complexities that have struck globally, every person on Earth has become aware of the importance of Carpe Diem.

The future is uncertain. 

I believe that even the best-planned initiatives can encounter unforeseen circumstances. Success is never guaranteed; no matter how iconic or legendary you are in your field, there is always an element of uncertainty. Just look at the conglomerates that have gone bankrupt.

The phrase Carpe Diem was invented by Horace.  Horace was a prominent Roman poet and satirist whose works greatly influenced Western literature.

The philosophical content of Carpe Diem in his poetry embraces the present moment and asks that we enjoy the pleasures of life, highlighting the shortness of life and mortality.

It is terrible to think about the likelihood of World War 3. I don't know how I'd face the loss of freedom and fear for our lives while the bombs and sirens go off in warning.

Here's a passage of Horace's Ode where he emphasizes Carpe Diem.

"Do not ask, Leuconoe, (it is forbidden to know) what fate the gods have granted to you or me; do not waste your time on Babylonian horoscopes. How much better to suffer what happens, whether Jupiter has granted us more winters or this is the last one that wears out the Tyrrhenian sea on the opposing cliffs. Be wise, drink your wine, and limit your long hopes. While we speak, envious time has already fled; seize the day, trusting as little as possible in tomorrow."

This Ode emphasizes living for the moment to enjoy life's fleeting pleasures. It is symbolic in today's era that Horace says to trust as little as possible in tomorrow.  Aren't we witnessing it now?

Let's be thankful for the peace and stability in our nations.


Something New Coming Your Way:

My New Book, Christmas Tales & Wishes will be out soon. I hope for the magic of Christmas to invade our lives and bring back peace to the world.

Here's a sneak preview of what's inside:

Christmas begins

With kingly thoughts


A Wishful heart

The Star of David shines brightly to lead the way to a stable forlorn


Whilst angels played the harps

With golden bowls of incense   

Heavenly songs of praise 

Filled the Earth




Let them shine, let them shine

Let the light shine bright to spring forth the colours of Christmas 

Shine on YOU

Shine on ME

Shine on Every Man

who walks the Earth

A Poem 

A Wish to End Wars

As a child, I loved stories that began with “Once Upon A Time.” It took me to a distant scene,

someplace that would create intrigue and adventure for the child in me.

Then I loved Christmas for the specialness of the season. Christmas carried an air of

merriment and joy for even the most downtrodden. Christmas gave me renewed upliftment.

The stories here will intrigue, and fill you with a sense of adventure and renew your love

for Christmas.

Let Christmas be the season to enlighten minds and hearts, and peace reign throughout

the universe.

Silent Night, Holy Night, All is Calm, All is Bright, Round Yon Virgin Mother and Child,

Sleep in Heavenly Peace, Sleep in Heavenly Peace!

May that Golden Peace that we seek remain with us forever.

The Heavens did open up joyously, as the newborn brought forth a new love for creation.

Titles of Stories in this Book

On a Christmas Morn, the Snow Falls Delicately

A Wish Come True

The Chapel on the Hill

Look out for the date of publication.

I can't wait to share this book with you.

Do you want your books reviewed? A special offer for a limited time.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024


October brings back memories of when I was in France in 2022. It seems a long time ago now. For Catholics worldwide, it is the month of the rosary. and the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, and, notably, Our Lady of the Rosary.

Every day, when I wake up,  I recite that life-saving rosary prayer - a constant protection and guide throughout all my days of pain and trials. I say the French version of the rosary and gaze endearingly at Our Lady's face - so pristine,  beautiful and she projects love for me. She has brought forth much peace and sanity amid turmoil in my life. I can safely say that I have been saved a million times over by reciting the rosary.

The rosary is recited to attain peace in our hearts and minds. Our Lady is the Queen of Peace. We pray for the peace of the world today by reciting the rosary.

At these hours of much strife and war, a rosary a day will work miracles.

Miracles happen when you put your faith above everything else. 

At the age of six, I was blessed by an anointing. As I have written in my part memoir, Raised by God, a book that is immensely close to my heart,  since the day I was touched by Our Lady's light at that tender age, I believe and know now that I have always been in her embrace and have overshadowed my adversities to rise to triumph. It isn't always easy to accept the numerous challenges I have faced, but I found strength in my prayers - the only thing I could rely on to protect myself and the well-being of my family. 

If you face extreme difficulties and challenges, I hope you find your channel of peace and release from pain your special way.

On another note: 

I came across this gorgeous French song titled Aline by Christophe on TikTok. I was captivated by the artistic lyrics of the song. I wonder what inspired the singer to write this song.
It's about a man who draws an image of a girl on the wet sands of the beach. The girl's name is Aline. Then, a storm arises and the girl disappears. He shouts out her name and goes in search of her. 

Here's my rendition of Aline by the link below. I just love the song. The lyrics are written for you. I took long walks on the beach during school holidays when at my mom's house. I used to draw faces on the beach sands and watch the tides wash them away.  Maybe, Aline was somewhere there too:)

Lyrics to Christophe's Aline.

J'avais dessiné sur le sable
I drew on the sand

Son doux visage
Your sweet face

Qui me souriait
That smiled at me

Puis il a plu
Then it rained

sur cette plage
on the beach

Et dans cette orage
And in that storm

Elle a disparu
She disappeared.
Et j'ai crié, crié, Aline, pour qu'elle revienne
And I shouted, shouted, Aline, for her return

Et j'ai pleuré, pleuré, oh, j'avais trop de peine
And I cried, cried, Oh, I had so much pain
Je me suis assis près de son âme
I sat me down, near her soul
Mais la belle dame, s'était enfuie
But the lovely lady, had gone away
Je l'ai cherchée sans plus y croire
I searched everywhere without believing it

Et sans un espoir, pour me guider
And without a hope, to guide me

Et j'ai crié, crié, Aline, pour qu'elle revienne
And I shouted, shouted, Aline, for her return
Et j'ai pleuré, pleuré, oh, j'avais trop de peine
And I cried, cried, Oh, I had so much pain
Et j'ai crié, crié, Aline, pour qu'elle revienne
And I shouted, shouted, Aline, for her return

Et j'ai pleuré, pleuré, oh, j'avais trop de peine
And I cried, cried, Oh, I had so much pain
Je n'ai gardé, que ce doux visage
I only kept this sweet face

Et comme une épave sur le sable mouillé
And like a wreck on the wet sand
Et j'ai crié, crié, Aline, pour qu'elle revienne
And I shouted, shouted, Aline, for her return
Et j'ai pleuré, pleuré, oh, j'avais trop de peine
And I cried, cried, Oh, I had so much pain

Et j'ai crié, crié, Aline, pour qu'elle revienne
And I shouted, shouted, Aline, for her return
Et j'ai pleuré, pleuré, oh, j'avais trop de peine
And I cried, cried, Oh, I had so much pain
Thank you for reading and listening to the song. I'm sure you'd love it too.  
Have a lovely month of October.


From Skopje to India

Christmas Tales & Wishes

Children of War

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