Thursday, March 6, 2025




Après son baptême par Jean-Baptiste, Jésus fut conduit par le Saint-Esprit dans le désert pour jeûner et prier. Cette période lui servit de temps de préparation spirituelle et de test avant de commencer son ministère public.

Les catholiques commencent leur parcours du Carême le mercredi des Cendres, un jour solennel de prière et de jeûne qui marque le début de la période de 40 jours du Carême. Ce jour-là, des cendres sont placées sur leur front en symbole de repentir et de mortalité, accompagnées des mots : « Souviens-toi que tu es poussière et que tu retourneras à la poussière ».

Pendant le Carême, les catholiques s'engagent dans la prière, le jeûne et l'aumône. Par la prière, ils recherchent une connexion plus profonde avec Dieu ; le jeûne les aide à pratiquer l'autodiscipline et à se détacher des plaisirs du monde ; et l'aumône leur permet de partager leurs bénédictions avec les pauvres et les nécessiteux. Ces actes visent à favoriser la conversion intérieure, en rappelant aux croyants leurs promesses baptismales et en les encourageant à vivre plus fidèlement selon les enseignements du Christ.

Les sacrifices personnels consentis pendant le Carême, comme l’abstinence de certains aliments ou activités préférés, ont une signification profonde. Ces actes d’abnégation symbolisent la solidarité avec la souffrance du Christ et aident les individus à grandir en humilité et en gratitude. En renonçant à quelque chose qu’ils aiment, les catholiques réfléchissent à leur dépendance envers Dieu et donnent la priorité aux besoins spirituels plutôt qu’aux besoins matériels.

La récompense ultime de cette abstinence est le renouveau spirituel. Elle prépare les croyants à célébrer Pâques avec un cœur purifié, une foi approfondie et un engagement renforcé à vivre une vie centrée sur le Christ.


After His baptism by John the Baptist, Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the desert to fast and pray. This period served as a time of spiritual preparation and testing before He began His public ministry.

Catholics begin their Lenten journey on Ash Wednesday, a solemn day of prayer and fasting that marks the start of the 40-day season of Lent. On this day, ashes are placed on their foreheads as a symbol of repentance and mortality, accompanied by the words, "Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return" 

During Lent, Catholics engage in prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Through prayer, they seek a deeper connection with God; fasting helps them practice self-discipline and detach from worldly pleasures; and almsgiving allows them to share their blessings with the poor and needy. These acts aim to foster inner conversion, reminding believers of their baptismal promises and encouraging them to live more faithfully according to Christ's teachings.

The personal sacrifices made during Lent—such as abstaining from favorite foods or activities—carry profound meaning. These acts of self-denial symbolize solidarity with Christ's suffering and help individuals grow in humility and gratitude. By giving up something they love, Catholics reflect on their dependence on God and prioritize spiritual over material needs.

The ultimate reward of this abstinence is spiritual renewal. It prepares believers to celebrate Easter with a purified heart, deepened faith, and strengthened commitment to living a Christ-centered life. 

Monday, March 3, 2025

What I learned about Varanasi (India's holiest place).

I was researching Delhi, Agra, Varanasi and Calcutta for my book From Skopje to India. For new readers, the book is about a lady's entry into India during the final days of British rule. Majaorie Yakob travelled to the other side of the world from Skopje, the land of the Great Ottomans. 

It's a story like I have never written before. 

Today, I will talk about Varanasi. I had only heard of it as a holy place for Hindus until I read more about the site and was enlightened by the 88 ghats symbolising life and death - they host birth ceremonies to cremation ceremonies. Ghats are riverfront steps leading to the banks of the Ganges River, where rituals are performed to ensure salvation. People of other faiths also visit the holy site and partake in the rituals.

The Ganges is sacred and revered for its personification of the Goddess Ganga, as the goddess offers spiritual cleansing and protection. Bathing in its waters can wash away sins, and dying on its banks ensures a favorable afterlife. 

Please read two pages of the excerpt in my book on Varanasi.

VARANASI: We arrived in Varanasi late in the evening. The journey was tiring throughout due to the bad roads. The scent of incense filled our senses as we entered the city, and the streets were crowded. I was hungry, and my stomach rumbled. Spotting a street stall bathed in the warm glow of a gas lantern, we made our way there. The vendor, a man with a neatly trimmed mustache and a sparkle in his eye, stood behind a small cart laden with golden-brown samosas and crispy-looking pani puri. 

"Namaste, Saab," I greeted him, the Hindi words feeling clumsy on my tongue. Please tell me what you have here. They smell delicious. Though I knew we would opt for the crispy samosas over the pani puri, I asked him just the same. Kincaid stood looking at the savory delights displayed on the cart. We saw bottles of mineral water on the shelves and asked for two bottles. 

"Namaste," he replied, his voice welcoming. "Samosa hai, pani puri hai. Aur kya chahiye?" (There are samosas...pani puri. What else do you need?) 

"Two plates of samosas, please," I pointed to the triangular pastries. "Aur… aapka naam kya hai, sahib?" (And… What is your name, sir?) I asked gaily. 

It was a pleasure to converse in Hindi after such a long time - it brought back memories of Delhi. He smiled as he carefully arranged the samosas on two small paper plates. 

"Mera naam Ram hai. Aur aap?" (My name is Ram. And you?) He was an elderly gentleman with a twinkle in his eyes for us. He was amused that I was conversing in Hindi with a foreign accent.

"Main, Maja hoon" (I am Maja), I replied. "Main is sheher se guzar raha hoon" (I am passing through this city). Ram nodded knowingly while handing me the plate. The samosas were hot and filled with spiced potatoes and peas. "Varanasi bahut pavitra hai," he said as I took a bite. "Varanasi is a very sacred city." "Haan, main jaanta hoon," I replied, savoring the flavors. (Yes, I know.) "That’s why I came here." 
A moment of silence passed between us as Kincaid and I ate the samosas. 

The city sounds were loud around us – bicycle bells ringing, the chanting from the ghats, the chatter of Hindi being spoken by the locals blended with the surroundings. 

"Pehle kabhi Varanasi aaye hain?" Ram asked as he wiped his hands on a dishcloth next to him. (Have you ever been to Varanasi before?) "Nahi, pehli baar hai," I admitted. (No, it's my first time.) "The city is different from what I expected." Ram smiled broadly this time. He was proud of his city, we could tell. 

"Varanasi aasan nahi hai. (It's not easy.) At night, it can be overwhelming. It's a special city where you will find power and enlightenment not found anywhere else.” 

"Yes, it definitely is different. I can feel the enlightenment here already, " I said, accepting that the city felt holy. Kincaid felt the same too and agreed, "The place is chaotic, but a sense of peace lingers here. I can feel it, and it’s indeed special.” 

"Exactly! Life and death exist side by side in this city," Ram said, his eyes twinkling. "You can say, Varanasi is a city of contradictions. Open your heart to it, and you will learn its secrets."

Read the latest review on Amazon:
Reviewed in the United States on March 3, 2025
This book is more than a story. It's an enlightenment. It journals the thoughts and aspirations of a lady
who embarks on a selfless journey.
When she left a trail from Skopje, she didn't understand that it would take her to a land 
as diverse as India.
A little girl at a Buddhist temple told her that the poorest state in India was Calcutta. 
She learnt the Hindi and English languages, fell in love with the tutor and visited the holy site of 
Varanasi before she reached Calcutta. There, a church provided her with a hostel and a teaching job, 
and she began her mission of teaching the poor and destitute. 
The author has written an exceptionally intriguing story that details the British-India giving up their 
role as Colonial Masters and touches with clarity on the views of the locals with understanding 
and compassion. 
Love is a conviction, Majaorie Yakob says when she falls in love. 
A beautiful love story that began in Agra - the immortal land of love made famous by the Taj Mahal. 
Definitely a must-read. Don't miss out on the greatest story written by Shobana Gomes.


Read 'The Dominated Era' at the link below:

Read my poem, Love is a Conviction here:

Thank you for reading!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

The Dominated Era

This era is 'the new age', dominated by digital technology and modern ways of living. These technologies have taken control of our lives and left us bereft of the excitement of the olden days. However, the olden days are remembered fondly and not forgotten for the hardships and travails one endured to survive. Writers almost always find inspiration from the grand old eras of our time. 

Someday, when someone asks me, "How and where do you find your inspiration to write?" My reply would be that I remembered, fondly.  Precious memories of the wars of my time, though vague, that strange day when the hailstorm hit our roofs and I thought that the world was coming to an end, as I heard people frantically shouting from inside their houses,  until I plucked up the courage to run outside and pick up the ice that fell down from the skies, only then did my fear recede. I thought then that the clouds had grown so cold that the rain inside them had turned to ice. I looked up at the sky - and it was a snowscape with no traces of blue. Just a long sheet of an iced grey sky, stretching as far as the eye could see. I was used to the blue skies and bright sunny days, so this was strange to me.

I had never heard of weather phenomena or climate change until recently. Maybe I was a little too young then. We still breathed fresh air and walked about freely, unlike now, when the stench of pollution overwhelms, and the fear from our namesakes is so real. What a sorry state of affairs. The hailstorm only hit our part of the world once, and I have never experienced it since. Perhaps, even then, it was a warning to look out for the environment.

There are warnings of every kind that people are afraid to recognise nowadays. The current wars are bitter feuds that are breaking up an educated world. Clubs, hammers and swords are not used in this nuclear age. These days, we have advanced beyond predictability and understanding where weapons are concerned. Over the years, wars have heightened and worsened, and I wonder if it will ever end. Now, the people whom the leaders represent live fearful lives. No one is assured of security or safety anymore. One fight leads to another, and there's never a winner since revenge is always on their minds.

Have a pleasant weekend. Thank you for reading.


Join Shobana's mailing list to be updated on deals and new publications on BookBub.

Read her new poem here: Love is a conviction.

Here's Booktaster's promotion on Skopje to India. A masterfully crafted book that will stop you in your tracks. 

Booktasters has started promoting my book, From Skopje to India. I love the design, simple yet a story all its own.  Here's the link: read the sample on the Amazon link.

Please read the book, which will take you on a thrilling journey from Skopje and follow the protagonist's trail to Calcutta in absolute charm and awe for the love, beauty and character the book invokes in the readers. Please read the sample on the Amazon link:

You can get your Kindle Edition From Here: 


Follow me on Bookbub to keep abreast of the next best read. (Press the link on the right). 

You can get your Kindle Edition From Here: 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Here's the beautiful presentation of my latest book, From Skopje to India, by Booktasters

Booktasters have started promoting my book, From Skopje to India. I love the design, simple yet telling a story all its own.  Here's the link:  Please read the sample on the Amazon link.

Please read the book, which will take you on a thrilling journey, From Skopje and follow the protagonist's trail to Calcutta in absolute charm and awe for the love, beauty and character the book invokes in the readers. Please read the sample on the Amazon link.

You can get your Kindle Edition From Here: 

Whenever a story comes to mind, there is a reason. I write about the sufferings of the past while a little of history is repeated as reminders. Most of my books are written like that. The words turn into stories that captivate the mind and heart. I often feel a higher hand leading me to write the stories. I am surprised by the words that fill the books I have written thus far. This is why I say, the words flow like the river, smoothly as when the winds are calm and the waters rush forth with an ambition to reach the shores of the seas. The books are filled with beauty and love, compassion and understanding, and seek clarity where there is none. When you read my books, you are enlightened as well as empowered. I am not saying these things so you buy them, but to share the words written and led by God's hands. I want to show everyone the strength of the words that fill the books.

Read the sample to yet another epic story. Happy Reading!


Follow me on Bookbub to keep abreast of the next best read. (Press the link on the right). 

You can get your Kindle Edition From Here: 

Thursday, February 20, 2025

The Sanctuary for Lovers

From Skopje to India - the story of a remarkable woman's journey to Calcutta, India. The story is set in British India in 1929 when India was fighting to regain control of its land from the British colonial masters. This book is a must-read. You will love Majaorie Yakob and her unwavering pursuit of a mission she wanted to accomplish.


Free to Read on Kindle Unlimited. On Kindle for USD3.99. Paperback Edition is available.

Her days in Agra were coming to an end. On a reflective morning, Majaorie thought about how to reveal her decision to leave to Kincaid and the Smiths. It was a heartwrenching decision:

The soft rays from the morning sun filtered through the glass, illuminating my room and casting shadows on the floor. My love for Kincaid was immense, woven with laughter, and quiet moments that made our time spent together precious. He taught me what it truly meant to love and to be loved in return.

The Shah Jahan Park was a sanctuary which took us back in time. The time stood still for us there. We would sit side by side, and watch the lights illuminate the Taj Mahal in a display of breathtaking beauty. I loved how the marble structure stood out majestically against the night sky, its reflection dancing in the waters of the Yamuna River. Each time we visited, it felt like a pilgrimage to a shrine of desire, love and encapsulating beauty. The glances Kincaid and I exchanged were filled with unspoken promises.

However, our excursions outside became less frequent after Gandhi's visit. The atmosphere was thick with tension; the surface of our vibrant city simmered with unease. Frequent fights broke out in the streets, as protests fuelled by voices demanding change grew louder. Despite this, the police maintained order diligently amidst the chaos. At a time of uncertainty, we found solace in each other's company.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Learn to talk, dress, and act like the people of India - Baba ( From Skopje to India ).

I wished to touch the readers with a story that gripped them from the start. I wanted to talk about the displaced and vulnerable, but instead, in writing this story, I learned about the wistful hearts of people who yearned to live life the same as everyone else - without encumbrances. The clear disparity lies between the lines of my story, and I only wish you could see them through my eyes - shobana

From the author of the award-winning story, Where the Rain Falls, comes another heartfelt epic, From Skopje to India.

A journey of love, culture, and discovery across continents unfolds.

'I flipped through the pages and noticed the magazine was a significant English news magazine in India. It began publication in 1880. The magazine featured prominent editors, articles about current affairs, art and literature, and displayed a section for comics.

I was struck by the historical content marked by political movements and cultural shifts leading to independence. 

The advertisements inside reflected the aspirations and lifestyles of the people during the time. As I sat absorbed in the pages of the magazine, Sally and Richard made an appearance.

Excerpt: From Skopje to India.

The green-eyed beauty was on a journey to Acceptance to Change.

Majaorie Yakob listened to Baba's wise counsel: Learn to talk, dress, and act like the people of India. He gave her a place to stay when she first arrived in New Delhi. He taught her Hindi, the broadly spoken language of the locals there. She found beauty amongst the simplest.

Majaorie found awe, love, and spiritual enlightenment as she travelled across the vast land to reach Calcutta. There, in the poorest state of India, she found a way to teach the children of the poor.

Read her travelling journal and the incredible people she met on the way, not forgetting the gorgeous culture, landscape and beliefs of a diversely populated land. Read about the immersive love of her life, Kincaid Roberts.

This story will never let you forget how it made you feel.

From the author of the award-winning Where the Rain Falls is another heartfelt epic: From Skopje to India.

A journey of love, culture, and discovery across continents unfolds.

The Year was 1929 when Majaorie Yakob pursued a destined journey…

The green-eyed beauty was on a journey to Acceptance to Change. On Kindle for USD3.99.

About the Author:
Shobana Gomes is an award-winning author and poet from Malaysia, renowned for her profound exploration of the intricate connections between art and humanity. Her literary works often delve into themes of truth in fiction, weaving narratives that evoke intrigue and passion. Her latest work, 'From Skopje to India', promises to captivate with its rich storytelling and emotional depth.

I hope you enjoy the book and look forward to hearing your comments. It took a long time to finish this story, as I tried as best as possible to impart fiction based on actual events of the time. 

Thank you - shobana

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

It's love in Agra.

Hey Everyone,

Since February is all about love, and tomorrow is Valentine's Day, please allow me to share a passage from Skopje to India. Majaorie Yakob falls headlong in love with her tutor, Kincaid Roberts. He takes her on a date to a Christmas Ball at the Imperial Hotel to confess his love for her.

Excerpt from  Chapter Seven, Agra.

Kincaid couldn’t help stealing kisses on Maja’s head as they danced.

She smiled radiantly, and an overwhelming sense of happiness washed over him.

He had been waiting long for a time like this.

He agreed that he was indeed a lucky man since she loved him in return.

Her beautiful hair smelled divine and he got lost in her fragrance as he held her close.

“I never expected that taking English lessons would be so rewarding. I not only

learned English but fell in love with the teacher too,” she said cheekily.

Kincaid laughed at her teasing. “Neither did I think that I'd fall in love with my student.

But, I’m glad we found each other while doing something we loved together.” 

She moved closer to him, and he hugged her tight.

The music shifted to a more upbeat style, prompting others to join them on the

dance floor for some lively dancing.

Laughter erupted around them, and the celebrations heated up as the time neared to

usher in Christmas.

Kincaid felt proud to have her by his side. Her charm and her infectious laughter

captivated everyone.

As the night wore on, they waited with their wine glasses for the clock to strike twelve. 

The countdown was almost upon them. “What are you wishing for, Maja,”

Kincaid whispered softly in her ear.

“You,” she said simply, her eyes full of love for him.

The two of them would wish for love and happiness to shine bright in their lives

from now on.

There was so much promise in the future, and they couldn’t wait to see where the

relationship would take them.

At the stroke of twelve, they cheered and drank up the wine in their glasses.

Maja felt heady with love and wine. She looked up tenderly at Kincaid and said,

“I love you, Kincaid.

Thank you for tonight. I have had the most awesome time of my life.”

Happy Valentine's Day - shobana

Here's a Valentine's Day poem for you. Please read the poem titled, Valentine, at this link:

If you are looking for a great Valentine's Day gift for your loved one, here's a poetry book that will endear you further to your loved one.

Soulful Rhapsody is on Kindle, and free to read on Kindle Unlimited. Read ten amazing love poems to your Valentine and have a wonderful time. Please press the link on the right to take you to the Kindle page or the link below:

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Our Lady of Lourdes Feast on 11/02/2025

Yesterday, 11.02.2025, was Our Lady of Lourdes Feast. I recalled the peaceful and
miraculous time I had in Lourdes, France, in 2022.

The tiny candle that burned a small flame in the votive stand was almost dying. It was still burning overnight there for a reason. It was so I could light my candle in the wee hours of the morning at the Grotto when no one was around.

Our Lady shone her light on me when I was six. The bright light illuminated her statue and beautiful, beautiful face, filling me with awe. The light from the statue covered me that day and throughout my life because I had to endure tragic and fearsome times to stay alive. Maybe she kept me alive so I could tell my story one day. 

Here's my story from France:

Happy Feast Day to Catholics everywhere.

You can read my part memoir, Raised by God, here. It's free with Kindle Unlimited, USD2.99 on Kindle, and the paperback edition is available on Amazon. Thank you for reading and listening.

A Bientot

My book, From Skopje to India, is in the final stages of editi,ng and I am hoping to have it
published in the next few days. 

Booktasters Offered to Promote A Book For FREE!

A kind gesture from Booktasters has me trying to finish an epic story early. For y,ears they have been sending me promotional packages for my books to be reviewed by their community of more than 50, 000 readers. And each time, I have not been able to since I found it too expensive due to the exchange rate. 
They graciously accepted my reason and never gave up, and I soon became familiar with their X messages. They have a warm way of interacting with authors. They made me feel that I was good enough to pursue. How wonderful!

Then, at the start of the New Year, they offered to promote a book for free on my behalf. Such a lovely gesture, and I am still halfway through completing the book. I want to give them the first option to promote that book. It is a very special story. 

The story is inspired by the life of Mother Teresa. Please note that it is fiction. However, I write about a girl from Skopje and describe the scenes and landscape of North Macedonia, the land of the Great Ottomans. She disguises herself as a boy so she can travel safely across to the other side of the world. 
She reaches the culturally diverse Indian continent and travels to Calcutta. But first, her life story in India begins in a Buddhist temple in New Delhi...

A short overview: is an innovative platform designed for avid readers and aspiring reviewers. It transforms the reading experience into an engaging effort, allowing users to read and review books for free. 

Booktasters provide opportunities for readers to connect with authors by offering honest and unbiased feedback on their works. The process is straightforward: readers can select a book from their extensive catalogue, request a free e-copy via X, and then share their reviews on platforms like Amazon and Goodreads. This not only helps authors improve their writing but also assists other readers in discovering new titles.

Authors find their readers quickly and Booktasters offers a good promotional gateway to pursue their dreams of becoming renowned in their writing.

You can read more on Booktasters here.

Friday, February 7, 2025

It was the time when the British feared for their safety. (From Skopje to India)

From Skopje to India. 

This is a book that will bring clarity to the lives of people seeking to learn through historical events of the past. Often, history is ignored and repeated. Wars are fought for the same reasons over and over with even more advanced weapons of destruction. Once peace is compromised, have you thought about how and when you will have it back to lead normal lives again? What about our children?

In the story, The British Rule was ending in India. A young girl from Skopje was on a destined journey. Her final destination in India is Calcutta.  Civil unrest was predicted among the different factions of the Indian National Congress. It was a time when the British living in Agra feared for their safety. People were killed for so many reasons, and mostly money was their main criterion. Why? Why do they think that it is okay to kill for money? Who gave them the right to kill another human? 

Here's an excerpt.

Majaorie Yakob had the shock of her life earlier in the day. Sally was nearly robbed of her handbag while walking to the car. She and I had just finished shopping at the Kinari Bazaar. Sally fell on the road and hurt herself.

Thank you for reading and listening. Skopje to India will be published soon. Don't miss out on 

getting a copy.

A Bientot, Shobana

(Parts of Chapter Nine)

The Bentley in the garage gleamed under the evening sun.

I wondered if they often used it when I spotted Rahul polishing the car with a soft cloth.

He was unaware that I was watching him.

He was deep in his task and whistled while he worked.

The Bentley cars are synonymous with luxury and sophistication. Only the super-rich

could afford one.

I thought of Richard’s words the other evening. He didn’t want to return to England

at the end of British rule.

Here, he was considered a super-rich elite and enjoyed massive wealth

in the poor nation. He lived prosperously here.

At this time of political change, there was rising unrest in India.

I wondered if he was making a wise decision not to go back.

The incident with Sally felt like a warning to me. The whites were not safe here


I only wish that peaceful transitions were the norm when change took place.

It is a far cry from that as people were discriminative even among their own races. 

Religion was a source of fighting among the people.

I don’t know how to call it a religion anymore if it invoked so much disharmony

and hate for other faiths.

Religion is a guide, especially in bringing about peace to nations.

It was not something to be fought over,

Most of the time ridiculous and trivial matters were used as reasons to start a quarrel,

which almost always fanned the sentiments of the people and resulted in war.

Rahul waved when he saw me. He called out, “Hey, Maja. I am almost done.

I will be with you shortly.”

-end of the excerpt-

Skopje to India will be published soon. Please get a copy and share this with friends

and family.

Thank you for reading and listening.


Booktasters Offered to Promote A Book For FREE!

A kind gesture from Booktasters has me trying to finish an epic story early. For years they have been sending me promotional packages for my books to be reviewed by their community of more than 50, 000 readers. And each time, I have not been able to since I found it too expensive due to the exchange rate. 
They graciously accepted my reason and never gave up, and I soon became familiar with their X messages. They have a warm way of interacting with authors. They made me feel that I was good enough to pursue. How wonderful!

Then, at the start of the New Year, they offered to promote a book for free on my behalf. Such a lovely gesture, and I am still halfway through completing the book. I want to give them the first option to promote that book. It is a very special story. 

The story is inspired by the life of Mother Teresa. Please note that it is fiction. However, I write about a girl from Skopje and describe the scenes and landscape of North Macedonia, the land of the Great Ottomans. She disguises herself as a boy so she can travel safely across to the other side of the world. 
She reaches the culturally diverse Indian continent and travels to Calcutta. But first, her life story in India begins in a Buddhist temple in New Delhi...

A short overview: is an innovative platform designed for avid readers and aspiring reviewers. It transforms the reading experience into an engaging effort, allowing users to read and review books for free. 

Booktasters provide opportunities for readers to connect with authors by offering honest and unbiased feedback on their works. The process is straightforward: readers can select a book from their extensive catalogue, request a free e-copy via X, and then share their reviews on platforms like Amazon and Goodreads. This not only helps authors improve their writing but also assists other readers in discovering new titles.

Authors find their readers quickly and Booktasters offers a good promotional gateway to pursue their dreams of becoming renowned in their writing.

You can read more on Booktasters here.

From Skopje to India

Christmas Tales & Wishes

Children of War

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