Thursday, March 30, 2023

30 Minutes to Healing

Worries, stress, and anxieties often lead to all kinds of maladies. And, often they contribute to health issues which can sometimes provoke terminal illnesses. Mental health issues are on the rise in both adults, and sadly even children, and I can safely say that it is due to an individual's inability to take things in their stride. They tend to procrastinate on a certain malady they face, and in turn, create turbulence in their minds. Turbulent minds often lead to instability.

Have you noticed someone you know, or a stranger perhaps, walking on the streets with sullen looks on their faces? They seem to carry half a boulder of rocks upon their shoulders. Heavy in worry and thoughts.

Not a tinge of a smile upon their lips for fear that they will unload their rocks onto the world around them. But, then, that's exactly what one should do. Unload their rocks and walk free.

There is a solution to everything, however, when it comes to health-related issues, the solutions are harder to find or solve. The problems have for long periods of time been ingrained in the mind. Hence, some become incurable or hard to let go. I think every disease stems from an unrested mind.

Parkinsons, Alzeihmers, Depression, Dementia, Schizoprenia, Cancer, etc. And, the list goes on.

One needs to keep their mind active in order to deprive themselves of these ailments. Or risk diseases taking over your mental health.

An active mind will keep you busy with other thoughts and actions.

One of the best ways to heal from this dangerous predicament of mental anguish is to write your thoughts, or feelings down in a journal. In short, journaling heals you.

A habit of writing for at least thirty minutes as you start your day or end it will also keep you accountable for your actions for the day. Soon, you will realize that you will lift your downtrodden self with this habitual practice. Things become clearer to you and you tend to put everything in the right perspective.

You can write them in a diary, or add your pages to a folder. Who knows, someday, you may be able to publish it as a memoir and tell the world your story. And might I add that reading will widen your scope of understanding and decrease the mental blocks you have built within you! 

Start your reading and writing today.

From my friends in Poetas Del Mundo
Thank you, to the founder, Luis Arias Manzo for sharing.

Amigas y amigos poetas, compañeros y compañeras de ruta y de luchas, con mucho agrado y humildad les comparto este vídeo sobre mi lectura en el Instituto Simón I. Patiño de Cochabamba, Bolivia:


A Poem

(In conjunction with World Poetry Day)

Of sensuous beauty likened to the Goddesses,

Of an everlasting creation,

Poetry in all thy demeanor,

You shall remain a timeless adornment,

Both on Earth and in Heaven’s Adoration.


“The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight but no vision.”

Hellen Keller

Give it a thought: Get the book. The story of how a family survives drought! I wrote this story before I heard about the Euphrates River drying up. Read about it here

A book worth your time.

Where the Rain Falls is now published on Amazon. So far it has garnered rave

reviews. Here are the latest reviews of the book: 

It is a book you won't want to miss reading. 

Read the sample pages here: First two chapters.

Read it on KOBO here.

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on March 28, 2023
This book was recommended and I was not sure what to expect.
But I read it in just two sittings and loved it, the writing was warm and engaging, I suffered along with the family during the drought and celebrated with them when the rains finally came!
A book to really make you think.
Other Books by Shobana:

This book was recommended & I loved it. I...... review gif


  1. Yes. I agree with you. Thank you for a lovely post.


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