Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Leave me your name

The last few days have been quite bizarre for me. I don't know what it was except that my immune system was down. I felt ill; to top it off, the hot weather made it impossible to stay indoors without the air-conditioner running.

Anyway, the electricity tariffs have increased while our currency has fallen alarmingly. 

There were hundreds who visited my blogs when I was away. A hike in the Singaporean readership was great news to me. A warm welcome to all of you.

Leave me your name, and a comment so I can thank you or say something to you as a conversation. That would be great.

It's July and the second half of the year has begun. Riots in France made the headlines everywhere. A seventeen-year-old was killed. Everywhere else, the wars go on to new heights, and there is no end to the chaos, so I thought it appropriate to write about the elusive peace at this time of sad occurrences.

I think people everywhere have been thrust into a corner with no room or place to move. Where is liberation in a world that belongs to chaotic minds? There is much sadness, that even the joyful are afraid to show their jubilation for fear of retribution or raised eyebrows. What is there to be happy about? No one shares sadness with you, however, when you are filled with happiness, they tend to flock around you.

Why? Why the consequence?

Because people are easily influenced by wrongdoings. They follow the wrong herd. Where justice is denied there will never be peace. Not in minds nor hearts, and soon that feeling of discord will rear violence and overflow outside to mar the beauty of the world.

What would happen if all the places of beauty are gone? Disappeared? We wouldn't have a place to run and hide.


Join me on Pinterest where poetry meets a Master & His Craft (In collaboration with Robin Sharma's quotes)

The Waltz of Peace

Some Health Benefits of Black Gram taken from Google:

What is the benefits of black gram?

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