Friday, September 29, 2023

Nature Needs Allies

Take Care Of Nature &
It'll Take Care Of You!

Nature is all around us and provides us with things we need to survive, especially, a conducive environment, clean air to breathe, water to drink, and food to eat.

Nature is a place for plants and animals to thrive and grow. It not only provides us with shelter, medicine, and countless other resources but also gives us the four seasons to describe our countries and unique senses.

Right now, nature is dangerously fragile. Dire consequences of thoughtless actions by men, like wars which desecrate the beauty of landscapes and historical monuments, littering of the oceans and global warming have destroyed nature more than ever in history.

It took a lifetime for men of the past,  poets and men of distinction to counter and write about the beauty of nature which will soon erode and vanish from the face of the Earth if unscrupulous activities are left unchecked.

Men are constantly damaging the roots of nature, and when things get out of hand, they try to rectify their mistakes and make amends. However, it has always been known that prevention is better than cure. 

And, where nature is concerned, we are in limbo to cure all wrong and prevention is out of the question now. Just imagine, it will take the whole of the population on Earth to rebuild nature and bring it back to its past glory.

If that can ever happen.

Nature is a gift, and we need to cherish it. If we take care of it, it will take care of us.


News & Views:

Mysterious ‘fairy circles’ found dotting Africa and Australia now found in more parts of world

Multiple theories to explain formation of enigmatic circular patterns have been put forward over five decades


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Friday, September 22, 2023

The Heart of the Matter

This morning when I woke up at 5.30 am, it was raining outside. My first thought went to the flowers growing outside. I wouldn't have to water them when it pours like that.

Even so, I love watering the plants, pulling out a weed or two and simply admiring the tiny buds of roses or the purple flowers that create an aesthetic front view of my house. They are a sight for sore eyes.

Anyway, the world has realized the importance of Earth's greenhouses, no matter how small, far between or wide, the length and breadth of a nurtured Earth would have stopped the drastic climate change that has escalated. Everywhere, there's some form of natural disaster taking place. Do you recall the tsunami, the devastating earthquakes, the flooding, the drought and the poor glaciers which are melting at an alarming rate? What of the North Pole and the Polar bears?

Sometimes, I wonder if it is too late to make amends. Just like how it is with men who go to war, who spur racial slurs, and who create division and unrest.

A writer denounces anything that stands in the way of a polished work. Just like that, I think God polished his creation on the seventh day and gave us humans 70-seven times chances to keep it as pristine as he created it. Well, none of us had it in us to do what was entrusted to us. 

As it still rains, I write this note to you. The rain will stop nevertheless for the sun to come up once again. However, I am not sure about the pain in our hearts for a world so ravaged. 

What is the heart of the matter?

The heart of the matter is that the pain of rain should be felt deep inside. It is not everywhere that it rains, and it is not always that we can redeem ourselves or make things as it was before. To amend what had gone wrong with our ways and thinking.

Life is meant to be lived to the fullest. Not killed off in ways unimaginable, like we did with our beautiful planet.

With that, I write as I should, and will myself to hope that all of humanity now work together to stay alive and well.

Have a lovely weekend.

A Bientot,


Published on Gumroad on 22/09/2023

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News & Views:

For writers and readers or anyone with a penchant for a fun-loving, professional and vibrant network to join, please visit Pat Rullo's Speak-Up Talk They have podcasting, audio and writing services apart from others, plus all their services come with a charitable twist.

Right now they are open to novel and podcasting submissions. 



author services with a charitable twist

Thursday, September 14, 2023


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Karma is a philosophy of how to live our lives so we can truly become the best version of ourselves and live the most fulfilling life we desire. Karma is stated as the great law of cause and effect.

I have often heard people say what you do in this lifetime, will transcend into what happens when reincarnated, that is if you believe in reincarnation.

Karma is a theological concept found in the Buddhist and Hindu religions, which is the idea that how you live your life will determine the quality of life you will have after reincarnation. If you are unselfish, kind, and holy during this lifetime, you will be rewarded by being reincarnated into a pleasant life and if you are unkind, selfish and unholy, you will face the consequences in your next life.

So the more good you do will ensure a rewarding life for you.

Do you believe in Karma? 

According to the Catholic doctrines, we don't believe in Karma. The Bible does not teach the doctrines of Karma since we believe that Jesus came to seek and save, and not punish. We believe in the grace of mercy and sins are often forgiven. Going to confessions gives us the healing power to forgive and be forgiven.

Here are some laws of Karma I found for you:

1. The law of cause and effect
Whatever you think or do, good or bad, you will get back.

2. The law of creation
To make something happen, you need to take action.

3.  The law of humility
Be humble to everyone around you. Catholics say to be humble to everyone to find favour in the eyes of God.

4.  The law of Growth
Growth begins with you. In order to change the world, you must be able to change your mindset for the good of humanity.

5. The law of responsibility
This law states that your life is connected to your past, present and future.

6. The law of Focus
Be focused on one thing and not be invested in many things at a time.

7. The law of hospitality and giving
Let go of negativity and focus on positivity. Look at things with new eyes.

8.  The law of Here and Now
Embrace the present to be rewarded by peace of mind.

9.  The Law of Change
Change paves a new path to a better life and understanding.

10. The Law of Patience & Reward
Goals met with consistency will generate the reward you want.


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Monday, September 11, 2023

Our Hearts Go Out to Morroco!

Latest News & Views:
Our hearts go out to Morroco:


Morocco earthquake kills more than 

2,000 people, survivors sleep outdoors.

I wrote a poem for my brother on his death anniversary. Is This What It's Like In Heaven. Please like and subscribe to the channel.

From Skopje to India

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Children of War

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