Friday, September 29, 2023

Nature Needs Allies

Take Care Of Nature &
It'll Take Care Of You!

Nature is all around us and provides us with things we need to survive, especially, a conducive environment, clean air to breathe, water to drink, and food to eat.

Nature is a place for plants and animals to thrive and grow. It not only provides us with shelter, medicine, and countless other resources but also gives us the four seasons to describe our countries and unique senses.

Right now, nature is dangerously fragile. Dire consequences of thoughtless actions by men, like wars which desecrate the beauty of landscapes and historical monuments, littering of the oceans and global warming have destroyed nature more than ever in history.

It took a lifetime for men of the past,  poets and men of distinction to counter and write about the beauty of nature which will soon erode and vanish from the face of the Earth if unscrupulous activities are left unchecked.

Men are constantly damaging the roots of nature, and when things get out of hand, they try to rectify their mistakes and make amends. However, it has always been known that prevention is better than cure. 

And, where nature is concerned, we are in limbo to cure all wrong and prevention is out of the question now. Just imagine, it will take the whole of the population on Earth to rebuild nature and bring it back to its past glory.

If that can ever happen.

Nature is a gift, and we need to cherish it. If we take care of it, it will take care of us.


News & Views:

Mysterious ‘fairy circles’ found dotting Africa and Australia now found in more parts of world

Multiple theories to explain formation of enigmatic circular patterns have been put forward over five decades


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