Saturday, October 21, 2023

Whichever the preference.

People cannot take it when things happen all at once. They need to plan, instigate, reflect and savour what's happening around them like having a doughnut dunked in coffee, tea or milk - whichever the preference.

Are you one of those who take the time to let things sink in? Of course, we have those who go on with life as if nothing has happened - as long as they are left alone. But how long will they be left alone in cases of global menaces? Look how the pandemic happened. In the first instance, people took it like it was okay to mingle and pass the virus around. 

Nothing makes sense anymore:

There is rising fear worldwide with wars ongoing, places of worship vandalised, bombed and beautiful historical places desecrated or becoming irrelevant to save anymore. "Let the historical monument die so that one chapter of the past can be erased." Who cares if anyone wants to know what happened thousands of years ago.


All because men are unhappy. Every little negativity happens when one is unhappy. That's when anger sets in and before you know it, war breaks out, or better yet, places of worship become targets, friends become enemies, and no one cares anymore.

I think right now, the root of all evil is money. Everyone is trying to make money and more money. So they build nuclear arms, have the latest satellite trackers, and newer weapons of destruction. Forget about how lives can be lost. They have new toys to play with. What's a loss of a nation when trying to outdo one another. 

If men didn't have excess money, they wouldn't kill. They would be sitting in the Bahamas enjoying the scenic view and sipping champagne.

I cannot imagine this - if there is a war right on the other end of the globe, people from way down here will react just as negatively, without compassion and start a war of words which ultimately will turn into bitterness or bitter friends, causing disunity and in the end, turn men into solitary human beings. They will start taking walks in the woods alone because they prefer their own company. It gets tiring after a while, so let's just stay away from each other.

In the end, it will be I, me and myself - we die with nothing, except a name. You die with either a good name or go to your grave known for all the bad you have done.


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Ed Sheeran will be performing in Malaysia with Calum Scott:

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