Sunday, February 25, 2024

What If - A guest post by Psychic Healer, Shari Leigh Roberts


What if I told you that you're not alone? Others, more than you know, suffer the same as you as the result of trauma.

What if I told you that many people hide in plain sight, putting on a happy face, pretending to lead a happy life?

What if I told you that I am one of those people? Day in and day out, for 50 years, I hid in plain sight. No one was the wiser. Friends, colleagues, and family believed me to be the happiest, friendliest person they knew.

What if I told you that behind the feigned happiness lay deep troubling thoughts, self-loathing, lack of worthiness, depression, fever pitch negative self-talk, need for approval, acceptance, and acknowledgement, feeling unlovable, mentally unstable, lacking intelligence....the list goes on.

What if I told you that despite the inner darkness, I was a high achiever, always looking for the next thing to conquer? Or, always morphing myself into who someone needed me to be and carrying the weight of failure because I rarely succeeded.

What if I told you my trauma journey began at age five when I was thrust into a world of physical and emotional abuse, chaos, and conditional love by a father who often took on the physical appearance and behaviour of a demon when in a drunken rage? I can still feel the tremors of fear, recalling his voice thundering through our home and the physical violence ensuing. The haunting memories of that evening and the countless ones that followed are indelibly carved into the fabric of my soul.

Fast forward to 2019, following another toxic relationship, I was in the third year of a relationship mirroring the toxicity of my past when it reached its breaking point. On a warm Tuscon Thanksgiving morning, as I ran across the finish line of a 5k race, my foot caught the tree root, propelling me to the ground at warp speed, landing face first and breaking my shoulder. My boyfriend's anger over the attention received from falling and the actual shoulder break served not only as a physical but a symbolic representation of the emotional collapse I faced from 50 years of abuse.

However, it was on the morning of my 55th birthday, four months after the accident, that I hit rock bottom. As I gazed into the mirror, confronting a reflection that was foreign to me, I realized the extent of my brokenness. Yet, amidst the darkness, I discovered a glimmer of light within.

Embracing this newfound spark empowered me to break free from the cycle of abuse and embark on a transformative journey, guided by the profound wisdom of a gifted psychic medium.

What if I told you that my transformative journey was not easy but uncovered hidden truths, confronted long-buried traumas, and released them, paving the way for the emergence of resilience and intuition? From the ashes of my past, I've emerged anew, eager to assist others in doing the same.

Healing is attainable for everyone. It's not a question of "what if," but rather "when." When will you be prepared to embark on your journey towards healing and embrace the transformative power awaiting you on the other side of trauma?

For further information about my healing services please go to Generally, an energy healing session combined with spiritual coaching sets you up for success in living your dream.

About Shari Roberts:

Shari Leigh Roberts, a survivor of over 50 years of narcissistic abuse, began her transformative journey in 2019, unaware of the profound spiritual gifts it would unveil.

Her soon-to-be-released memoir chronicles her transformative journey from brokenness to enlightenment. Establishing Shari Leigh Roberts, LLC in September 2023, Shari channels her insights into holistic healing, spiritual coaching, and inspirational speaking.

Based in North Carolina, Shari advocates passionately for trauma education and healing, leveraging her unique spiritual abilities and Oakland University bachelor's degree. In her free time, she immerses herself in spiritual learning, and teaching enjoys commuting with nature in all its forms, dancing, live music, travel, adventure, spending time with loved ones, and inspiring others to embark on their journey of healing and self-discovery. Learn more at

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

The Euphoria of Winning a Contest

Read the full article on Biopage here:

This morning I received an email from Paul of Biopage that my essay, Children of War, was chosen as a winning entry for the Biopage Storytelling Writing contest. He sent me a Certificate of Award for winning the silver medal, and the prize incentive that went with it. I was touched by his email. I loved the essay since I am passionate about the subject matter. Children who suffer the consequences of war in warring countries. I cannot imagine how their tiny hearts would be suffering the trauma and fear which will last throughout their lifetime. No matter how hard they try to disguise the horrors of what they have experienced, in the event they survive the ravages of war, that is, they will never grow to be the humans they were meant to be when they were born. They would be scarred for a lifetime. Isn't it sad? Of course, they have the adults to blame for every kind of war that takes place in this beautiful world of ours. Now scarred as well. The ill effects of climate change are a disastrous outcome of the horrid situation. I want to thank Paul and the Biopage team for choosing the essay as a winner. The essay has previously won the Welters@The University of Baltimore's essay contest as well. So I am super happy that it has touched the hearts of the Biopage team and readers too. Have a great week ahead. I am sharing a copy of the Certificate for my readers here.

Plus, Don't forget to read my latest book of poetry, Soulful Rhapsody, an ode to the enduring power of love in celebration of Valentine's Day. The book incorporates 10 gorgeous poems to celebrate lovers and love.

Read the sample. It's free to read on Kindle Unlimited.

Thank you.

For a look at a sample poem, you can access my latest entry on my blog: Shobana,

Friday, February 16, 2024

A Valentine's Special

When it comes to love...

I love you because;

Whenever I am with you, I am unafraid,
You are as gentle as you are kind,
I find honesty, integrity and love wherever you are,
You are a beauty with a heart of gold,
I love you because none can compare to you.

Happy Valentine's Day!

How did Valentine's Day come to be: 
St. Valentine is the Patron Saint of affianced couples, beekeepers, engaged couples, epilepsy, fainting, greetings, happy marriages, love, lovers, plague, travellers, and young people.

St. Valentine, also known as Saint Valentine of Rome, was a Roman priest who lived during the third century. He is widely celebrated on February 14 and is commonly associated with "courtly love." The real Valentinus was a Roman priest who lived from 226 AD to 269 AD and was known for ministering to persecuted Christians, commonly thrown to the lions in the Colosseum as macabre entertainment. He was decapitated on 14 February and buried at a Christian cemetery on the Via Flaminia close to the Ponte Milvio to the north of the city, and the date has been kept for the Feast of St Valentine ever since it was first inaugurated by Pope Gelasius I in 496 AD in tribute to his memory. Little else is known about his life, although he is thought to have defied Emperor Claudius by performing Christian weddings, perhaps even handing out parchment hearts as a reminder of the love of God or delivering letters between jailed lovers in secret. It is for these reasons he has come to be considered the patron saint of love and lovers, a slightly contradictory notion for faith at other times that placed an emphasis on self-denial. 

It's the start of the Lenten Season on 14/02/2024

Ash Wednesday is the first day of the Catholic liturgical season of Lent, which is the forty days (excluding Sundays) leading up to Easter. It holds significant religious and symbolic importance for Catholics and other Christian denominations. On Ash Wednesday, individuals receive ashes in the shape of a cross on their forehead or sprinkled on top of their heads. These ashes, created from the palms used during the previous year’s Palm Sunday Mass, symbolize penance and remind individuals of their own mortality. The day is not a Holy Day of Obligation for Catholics, but many choose to attend Mass and mark the beginning of the Lenten season. Ash Wednesday is also a day of fasting and abstinence for Catholics, and it is a time for reflection, prayer, and preparation for Easter. The distribution of ashes is a universal practice among Christians to begin their Lenten journeys, and it is not limited to practising Catholics. The ashes serve as a memento mori, reminding individuals of the transient nature of life and the need for repentance and reconciliation with God. The day is an opportunity for individuals to reflect on their spiritual growth and commit to prayer, fasting, and almsgiving during the Lenten season. Ash Wednesday is a solemn and significant day in the Christian calendar, marking the beginning of a period of repentance, fasting, and awaiting Christ's Resurrection.

Buy a book of poetry by Shobana. Soulful Rhapsody ode to the enduring power of love.
It is the season of love and giving, and in this book of poetry, I share 10 beautiful poems that
will inspire and fill you with longing and awe.
Theme: Love (It's the month of Valentine)

You can get the book via Amazon Kindle here.
 If you would like to read the book for free in exchange for a review on Amazon, you can send an email to: so I can add you to my email list and send you a PDF copy.
Thank you.

Have a Great Weekend.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

The Garden of Sense & Sensibilities

To cultivate a greater sense of presence and mindfulness in your life, engage your 
senses fully. Take notice of the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures that surround you, immersing yourself completely in each moment. 
Regularly practice gratitude by reflecting on the things you are thankful for. By recognizing and appreciating the beauty of the present, you can shift your perspective and live more richly.

Embrace the impermanence of life by acknowledging that everything is in a constant state of flux.
Cherish the fleeting nature of experiences and relationships, savouring them while they last. 
To minimize distractions and create an environment conducive to focus and presence, limit your use of technology. 
Put away your phone, disable notifications, and intentionally design your surroundings, at least for an hour a day to support your mindfulness journey.

Children of War was accepted by Welter, @University of Baltimore December 2023, online (Subscribe to the channel) 

Incorporate activities that promote mindfulness and presence into your daily routine. 
Activities like meditation, yoga, journaling and mindful nature walks can all help you cultivate these qualities.

Additionally, developing a deeper understanding of yourself, your thoughts, and your emotions through self-awareness practices can enhance your connection to the present moment.

And lastly, life is meant to be lived enjoying happy moments together with friends and family.
Happy New Year, 2024.

From Skopje to India

Christmas Tales & Wishes

Children of War

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