Wednesday, August 7, 2024

From July to August


August is here once more. Another month of the year has changed hands - from July to August, that is.

I thought about July, and how it brought forth summer springs. 

Summer has always been one of the favourite months for those who enjoy the four seasons. It is a time for renewed vigour, for friendships and relationships to foster, as with all merry-making, gatherings are planned and enjoyed. 

Is love the most sought-after emotion during summer? When hearts are light just like the season. Though, some cry the woes of hot summers, others enjoy the bliss of newer encounters. 

 I come from a land of the sun and sea, so I know how gorgeous it is to partake in a land of long summers.

It is sad to see and hear of all the calamities that have touched the world, breaking it into fragments of disunity and misgivings. 

It is a fragile thing, this peace we know of and share, so let's begin searching deep into our souls about what ails us, and still make that effort to stand by peace. 

Let's hope that peace reigns throughout the world. 

Please listen to my podcast on the poem titled 'That Golden Peace.'

Have a great month of August and may the month bring much serenity to all hearts.

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