Thursday, March 30, 2023

30 Minutes to Healing

Worries, stress, and anxieties often lead to all kinds of maladies. And, often they contribute to health issues which can sometimes provoke terminal illnesses. Mental health issues are on the rise in both adults, and sadly even children, and I can safely say that it is due to an individual's inability to take things in their stride. They tend to procrastinate on a certain malady they face, and in turn, create turbulence in their minds. Turbulent minds often lead to instability.

Have you noticed someone you know, or a stranger perhaps, walking on the streets with sullen looks on their faces? They seem to carry half a boulder of rocks upon their shoulders. Heavy in worry and thoughts.

Not a tinge of a smile upon their lips for fear that they will unload their rocks onto the world around them. But, then, that's exactly what one should do. Unload their rocks and walk free.

There is a solution to everything, however, when it comes to health-related issues, the solutions are harder to find or solve. The problems have for long periods of time been ingrained in the mind. Hence, some become incurable or hard to let go. I think every disease stems from an unrested mind.

Parkinsons, Alzeihmers, Depression, Dementia, Schizoprenia, Cancer, etc. And, the list goes on.

One needs to keep their mind active in order to deprive themselves of these ailments. Or risk diseases taking over your mental health.

An active mind will keep you busy with other thoughts and actions.

One of the best ways to heal from this dangerous predicament of mental anguish is to write your thoughts, or feelings down in a journal. In short, journaling heals you.

A habit of writing for at least thirty minutes as you start your day or end it will also keep you accountable for your actions for the day. Soon, you will realize that you will lift your downtrodden self with this habitual practice. Things become clearer to you and you tend to put everything in the right perspective.

You can write them in a diary, or add your pages to a folder. Who knows, someday, you may be able to publish it as a memoir and tell the world your story. And might I add that reading will widen your scope of understanding and decrease the mental blocks you have built within you! 

Start your reading and writing today.

From my friends in Poetas Del Mundo
Thank you, to the founder, Luis Arias Manzo for sharing.

Amigas y amigos poetas, compañeros y compañeras de ruta y de luchas, con mucho agrado y humildad les comparto este vídeo sobre mi lectura en el Instituto Simón I. Patiño de Cochabamba, Bolivia:


A Poem

(In conjunction with World Poetry Day)

Of sensuous beauty likened to the Goddesses,

Of an everlasting creation,

Poetry in all thy demeanor,

You shall remain a timeless adornment,

Both on Earth and in Heaven’s Adoration.


“The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight but no vision.”

Hellen Keller

Give it a thought: Get the book. The story of how a family survives drought! I wrote this story before I heard about the Euphrates River drying up. Read about it here

A book worth your time.

Where the Rain Falls is now published on Amazon. So far it has garnered rave

reviews. Here are the latest reviews of the book: 

It is a book you won't want to miss reading. 

Read the sample pages here: First two chapters.

Read it on KOBO here.

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on March 28, 2023
This book was recommended and I was not sure what to expect.
But I read it in just two sittings and loved it, the writing was warm and engaging, I suffered along with the family during the drought and celebrated with them when the rains finally came!
A book to really make you think.
Other Books by Shobana:

This book was recommended & I loved it. I...... review gif

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Do Men Cry?

The other day, I read an outstanding poem. In it, the poet laments about how he had to struggle to try keep his job, which in the end he lost due to the economic crisis, leading to many travails that followed after.

One of them was that, his wife and children left him when they couldn't understand the anxiety he faced, and his unending debts that escalated due to his broken situation. He had to give up his home and his assets. The spouse and children believed that they suffered the situation the most. Because men tend to withdraw into themselves when things don't go right, and more often than not, they become reclusive. 

Often, it is the case that anxieties and sorrows tear relationships apart. I suppose great relationships are based on everything going right all the time. But those are beginnings with fairytale endings, aren't they? We live in a real world.

I know men to have a vulnerable side which is often hidden. They are often considered to be pillars of strength in a relationship or marriage.

So, I thought about what it took to make a man cry, I mean, really cry.

Unlike women, their tears are subdued, frozen like ice-cubes in their insides, only melting when the temperature gets too heated for it to stay composed.

They walk away from confrontations to hide their sadness most of the time, and when tears fall, is it done it secret? I wonder.

I know I have seen crestfallen faces, worried looks, and disappointments wash over strong men. But, not really seen a man sob and cry like a woman. Maybe, in the movies. Perhaps, that's why they are so affected when their life is shattered by unfortunate circumstances.

I was thinking about those men of high places, who have lost all their wealth within seconds through the downfall of their investments in this current economic downturn. Would they cry the cry of the anguished, like a child. Or pick themselves up and try as much as they can to portray a brave front?

I can't imagine how they would cope with their loss. Haven't they been living the high life throughout?

What about when a woman leaves them. The woman they loved most of their life. Would they cry that way then?

Or, if someone dies, someone close and cherished?

I think men need a strong shoulder to cry on too. They are vulnerable just as us women in the face of adversity.

Tell me what you think in the comments below.


A Poem

(In conjunction with World Poetry Day)

Of sensuous beauty likened to the Goddesses,

Of an everlasting creation,

Poetry in all thy demeanor,

You shall remain a timeless adornment,

Both on Earth and in Heaven’s Adoration.


sincerity is cool.

politeness is hip.
helpfulness is stylish.
honesty is brave.
reliability is sexy.
selflessness is marvelous.
-Robin Sharma-

Give it a thought: Get the book. The story of how a family survives drought! I wrote this story before I heard about the Euphrates River drying up. Read about it here

A book worth your time.

Where the Rain Falls is now published on Amazon. So far it has garnered rave

reviews. Here are the latest reviews of the book: 

It is a book you won't want to miss reading. 

Read the sample pages here: First two chapters.

Read it on KOBO here.

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on March 17, 2023
Where the Rain Falls is quite relevant given the times we live in. It's well known that one way the climate crisis is and will continue to impact us is through more frequent droughts. This is a story of a place with little water and a family who's impacted by the lack of water. Here's a passage from the story that will give readers a feel for the writing style and the content:

My father died when my brother was born. He died of something called desiccation. That’s what the doctor said. It was waterlessness in a body. Father’s body was only skin and bones he had declared when pronouncing him dead. I was six then, and I know I felt afraid of being consumed by “desiccation” ever since. It was a scary word, sounding even more frightening when you say it out loud. In rural places, villagers often ply tedious routes to catch untapped water. They carry home vessel after vessel containing the essential component for everyday use. I never could understand why the distance. Why the need to live in a desert land and trudge each day to where the water flows?

For those interested in literary fiction focused on the environment.
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on March 20, 2023
When I read that the author is a poet, it did not surprise me. This is a poetic story and sometimes the poetic part overwhelms the prose. The storytelling is good, the harsh environment splendidly portrayed. Good vs. Evil, a common storyline, is done nicely. I agree with a previous comment that the book could use a good final edit. Otherwise, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Follow Shobana's Musings to stay updated on the latest news and views. 

Thursday, March 16, 2023

The Predictions of the Euphrates River As It Dries Up.

The Euphrates River is the longest river in Western Asia. The river originates in Turkey and flows through Syria and Iraq. 

Right now the river is in danger of drying up due to low rainfall, and as a result, drought has encumbered the region. This time the drought is the worst ever seen in Iraq and her surrounding areas.

The construction of hydropower stations, irrigation pipelines, and dams in the region has facilitated water being transported over large distances, as even more people than in biblical times depended on electricity and drinking water from the river. However, now every initiative taken to dispense water to the relevant areas for consumption and watering crops is threatened.

With the river drying up, the prediction that the end of times is coming is prevalent in many minds. In the Christian bible, it symbolizes the end of the world, while in Islam, some hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad, suggest that the Euphrates will dry up, revealing unknown treasures that will be the cause of strife and war. (wiki/google)

According to the bible, the end of times will happen right before the apocalypse.
It is also believed that the Garden of Eden was located between the Tigris and the Euphrates.

Interestingly, archaeologists have uncovered unusual artifacts like a 3400-year-old city, an ancient fortress, caves, and riches in the form of gold as the river dries.

The Lost City of Zakhiku was uncovered after an extreme drought led to the drastic levels of water in the Euphrates River receding.

What is alarming is that the vegetation, animals, and the people who depend on the river for their water supply are adversely affected. Many animals that are unique to where the river flows are in danger of extinction.

It will be catastrophic to have the ancient river run completely dry, don't you think? But due to climate change, the environmental effects in the form of disastrous carnage continue to affect the region and its people.

It will indeed be a loss if the Rivers of ancient times and heritage are lost to civilization. Let's hope that it rains, and the beautiful, ancient River of the Euphrates is filled and flowing once more.


A Poem

Over the river, rays of sunlight glisten on unruffled waters, 
And you gaze as if it was the sun that entices, 
They are but disguisers of the treasures that lie below, 
hidden beneath waters that glisten.

Give it a thought: Get the book. The story of how a family survives drought!

A book worth your time.

Where the Rain Falls is now published on Amazon. So far it has garnered rave

reviews. Here's the latest review of the book: 

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on February 26, 2023

This book is a well-written fast read, but is one of those books that sort of punches you in the heart but makes you want to keep reading. Literary fiction at its best, with overarching points about survival - what it means - and who is in control of what happens next. The entire story reminded me of a Dorothea Lange picture - the harshness of the drought, poverty, and such beautifully illustrative language. A must-read! 

It is a book you won't want to miss reading. 

Read the sample pages here: First two chapters.

Read it on KOBO here.

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on March 11, 2023
Really enjoyed this one, kept my interest from beginning to end. A unique writing style with lots of imagination, character development, and a true sense of "being there". Great work Author Shobana Gomes.

Follow Shobana's Musings to stay updated on the latest news and views. 

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Education for Women

Women have come a long way to achieve empowerment through education. In the initial stages, it was an uphill battle for them to be recognized as good enough to compete with their male counterparts. 

Now that they have shown their mettle in every aspect of educational excellence, I must say that women are taken to be equal partners to build world economies and be leaders in their chosen professions.

They have earned the respect as a gender who can counter challenges, and at the same time continue in the pro-creation of mankind.

Women now juggle their duties as moms, wives, co-workers, and friends, and still stand out as the person most needed in a relationship. They nurture heart and soul in everything they do.

There is an in-built strength surrounding women. They have the resources needed to build better lives for those around them.

Women who are educated are healthier and contribute to healthy lives. They are more productive and learn to participate in societal needs for the betterment of a country as a whole. They are more inclined to racial integration and teach their young ways to nurture and fulfill their own dreams.

Education broadens minds.

So, here's to women who have empowered themselves with knowledge by creating a more literate society in their communities and the world over.

Special news to share with you:

My family and I are delighted that our daughter, Marissa, a litigation lawyer by profession, has passed her postgraduate studies and achieved her Masters with flying colors.

In spite of all the hurdles she underwent, with the heavy workload as a lawyer, online classes (during the pandemic), and attending night classes (post-pandemic), she strived till the end to achieve her dreams. She worked hard to meet her obligations and we are so proud of her achievements to date.

As a young girl, her dream was to study at Oxford. Even though she didn't get to study in her dream institution, she graduated from Bristol University in the UK after completing a twinning program here.

I believe that she is a very headstrong woman who chose to enrich herself with educational qualifications to counter the extremely competitive environment of a still-growing world. She wanted to have an edge over the competition.

We wish you, Marissa, all the best in your next path to educational excellence. We know that you will now set your sights higher and our blessings are forever with you.


A Quote

Education is inoculation against disruption. As you learn and study more, you'll know more about your craft and understand how the masters lift their games. And once you do that, you'll be able to deliver more value to your marketplace. - Robin Sharma

Give it a thought:

A book worth your time.

Where the Rain Falls is now published on Amazon. So far it has garnered raving

reviews. Here's the latest review of the book: 

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on February 26, 2023

This book is a well-written fast read, but is one of those books that sort of punches you in the heart but makes you want to keep reading. Literary fiction at its best, with overarching points about survival - what it means - and who is in control of what happens next. The entire story reminded me of a Dorothea Lange picture - the harshness of the drought, poverty, and such beautifully illustrative language. A must-read! 

It is a book you won't want to miss reading. 

Read the sample pages here: First two chapters.

Read it on KOBO here.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Save that Bottle of Wine

Wine should be sipped in style, only then can you savor its taste. Just like life, one needs to go through the hard times, in order to appreciate the good.

But then, men have never learned. From the days of the bygone era till the present, men have not learned that greed belongs to wicked minds.

I say that because I see how amongst the beauty of the world, ugliness rears its head in every throe of life which stems from greed.

Greed to change the world to adhere to modern times has given in to grave consequences today. Look at how nature is being desecrated. Look at how Mother Nature is hitting back, There are so many catastrophes taking place throughout the world. 

The rivers are running dry, the seas are filled with garbage, and the animals that have lived from the inception of the earth are extinct now while the ones that have made it to our times are treading towards the path to extinction. Aren't we displaced too? 

And what about us humans, we go through life isolated from reality. Men still fight for autonomy over their lands, they infringe on other lands to show their power, they die for riches, and not live as they should. They forget that life is to be savored just like wine. 

It takes years before the wine can appeal to tastebuds. And, it has to be stepped upon before its juice is preserved for drinking. It has to be stepped upon before the final residue is ready for enjoyment.

I think it is so reminiscent of what we go through today. The human race is cornered by the reckless actions of the past. They now try to redeem what they have lost. The right to freedom, peace, love, justice, and clamor to cherish the tranquility of a world in disarray.

I know that once peace has been compromised, it becomes an uphill task to retrieve it. The lack of peace will leave us bitter about life. Peace of mind is so important, especially right now. 

What would you do to have inner peace, share peace with the rest of the world, seek peace of tranquility, or be at peace with people around you?

Cheers to that mind-numbing glass of wine and its connotations to the life of a human.


A Quote

I wrote, Where the Rain Falls in 2021. And, when writing, the words flowed like a river. I knew it will touch hearts and it did. I got great reviews for it so far. It has been described as
Literary at its best. Well, I loved literature in school.

Watch the trailer to see the reviews. It is available on Kindle, and Kobo, Free to read on KU, or get the paperback edition on Amazon. Here are the links:

Read the first two chapters here:  



Thank you for reading and see you next week. Don't forget to follow my newsletter. A Bientot, Shobana

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