Thursday, April 27, 2023

How You Make Someone Feel Matters - A lot!

The other day, I went to get some groceries. It was running late, so I had to make a dash before the supermarket closed.

When I entered, there were a few youngsters milling around the entrance of the grocer's. One saw me entering and quite unexpectedly tried to nudge me with his elbows. Taken aback, I stood staring at him for a few seconds. He saw me looking and so did the friends with him. 
It was a good thing that I moved away on time, otherwise, the boy would have hit me on the side of my stomach.

Then, a while later, when I was picking out something from one of the display trays, another boy stepped on my feet. I knew that it was done on purpose, so I showed how angry I was and made to say something to him. He quickly walked away.

These kinds of intimidations are not new to me. Without provoking a person, there are people out there who don't think twice about bullying, especially, a lady.

And, these days they start young. It can be anything that triggers these kinds of responses, there is no specific reason that comes with being vile or rude, or distasteful. Often, it is in the breeding which has gone wrong somewhere that you encounter uncouth people. They want to seek attention for the wrong reasons. Bullying gains them some respect in their circle, I suppose.

It is the same with uttering pleasantries. They are never wasted on another human being. In return, you gain gratitude. A thank you, or a smile or even a nod as an acknowledgment does so much good for the soul. It creates bonds that can last forever.

There are people who don't reply to emails or phone calls or return calls. These people show you how inconsequential you are to them. They may or may not be busy with their everyday life, but, maintaining friendship is to show you care about being a friend. 

Anyway, as Maya Angelou has said so eloquently, "People will never forget how you made them feel."

How about you? Have you ever been made to feel small in any way?

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Satire Examples: 21 Options To Inspire Your Next Writing Session

by  | Apr 24, 2023

Published On The Write Life

This article is a great one if you want to write satirical articles or stories. It gives a comprehensive outline of how to. Here's the link:

Table of Contents

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