Friday, June 14, 2024

An Outlet to Tell Your Side of the Story

Hello Everyone, I hope you are having a wonderful start to the weekend. There is so much happening in the world that one has little time to think about much else. Everyday, where I am, the rain pounds, causing so much havoc to the environment and raising hardships even further. If it's not the weather, it is the countless topics on war, distress to children, or the rise of prices in essential items (or falling) as highlighted in the news. 

One thing leads to another. The war can start in the far corners of the world, but eventually, the planet will face adversity in some form or another. Do you think the same way?

Here's an article published on Medium:

Title: An Outlet to Tell Your Side of the Story. Read the full story here:

Writing is an avenue to tell your side of the story unless it is fiction.

We live in a world where people are easily influenced by stories that are more or less half-truths or worse, untrue about someone or something that takes place. Usually, if it is about an alarming incident, panic sets in.

This happens because they don’t care to verify the facts of the matter with the concerned parties before they judge or believe what they are told.

Fake news is rampant, especially on the internet, because people believe published materials are trustworthy information. However, when I research some topics of interest, especially with the help of AI tools, I find that some information is misrepresented. Have you come across research materials that have misguided or misrepresented the topic of discussion?

My new book is published on Kindle. It is free to read on Kindle Unlimited. Paperback Edition is available to purchase.

The story of a girl who rises above all odds to survive a cruel world. She had to die before she lived, and in the end, is Raised by God. The world witnesses her rise step by step. When once, they ignored her, now they shift attention.

Read the first chapter. An intriguing story you will love. The Girl Next Door cannot be dispelled to the place of inconsequentiality!

Raised by God - Trailer. Watch on You-Tube. Please subscribe to the channel. Thank you.

Thank you for reading, and have a great weekend - shobana

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