Saturday, June 8, 2024

Raised by GOD - Read the First Chapter

    A look into my new book which is a must-read.

The book "Raised by God" recounts the story of a girl born to a beautiful, young mother.

Shortly after her birth, her Grandfather, a high school headmaster, registered her birth at the registrar's office. However, the parents found that the surname was mis-spelt in the document.

They request that the grandfather correct it at the registrar. However, he refuses, stating, "No, leave it as it is spelt in the document. The child is set apart from the rest."

As she grows up, she learns that she is special. She goes through many trials, faces dangerous situations, and is saved miraculously.

When she was born, Seraphim beamed her radiance, while the host of angels accompanying her proclaimed,

“Now you have to live the life of a mortal before God shows himself to you, and then, what remarkable tidings await you.”

The story takes a dramatic turn when the family is involved in a car accident. Miraculously, an Angel of God rescues the child, who dies and is brought back to life.

           On Kindle. A paperback version is available on @Amazon.

           The book delves into themes of family, identity, and the transformative power of faith in the face of adversity.

           Amidst the fear, trials and tribulations, the child grows with the presence of God lighting every path she treads in life. Part-memoir.    

Have a great weekend everyone.

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