Tuesday, December 19, 2023
Wishing You a Lovely Christmas Time.
Sunday, December 10, 2023
A Christmas Tale For You.
Fruit cake and wine is a tradition in our family during Christmas celebrations.
On Christmas Eve, we have an elaborate dinner prepared for the family. This is the only time, everyone sits around the Christmas tree and waits for the midnight chime of the clock to usher in Christmas and have that fruit cake with a glass of wine. While waiting we play a game of cards and have a merry time together. It is a special occasion to celebrate the birth of Christ.
I bake my cake early so that it tastes just right for Christmas.
Are you prepared for Christmas yet? Have you put up the decorations and got everything you need to make it as special as you can. You don't need to be rich to have a beautiful celebration. All you need is the love of the people around you and to care enough to love them back in return.
Christmas comes once a year. It is a time for sharing, caring, giving and not forgetting almsgiving. A time to be with your loved ones and enjoy the festivities together.
We exchange gifts and the party begins.
Have a great Advent season.
Here's a Christmas Tale I published On Kindle. Do get a copy of the heartwarming tale. Cassandra bakes a fruit cake and something unexpected takes place this year. The book makes a great gift for everyone.
Sunday, December 3, 2023
Children of War is up at Welter Digital Lit Current Issue
I am excited to announce that Children of War is now published in the Welter Digital Lit's current issue.
Here's the link for you to read the creative non-fiction entry accepted by Welter @ University of Baltimore.
Thank you for reading.
My latest YouTube for kind viewing: Curses like Chickens come home to roost.
Monday, November 27, 2023
Curses, Like Chickens, Come Home to Roost.
Friday, November 17, 2023
Interview published on Atmosphere Press.
Please read my interview with Atmosphere Press published today. Here's the link: https://atmospherepress.com/interview-with-shobana-gomes Thank you and have a great weekend.
Saturday, October 21, 2023
Whichever the preference.
People cannot take it when things happen all at once. They need to plan, instigate, reflect and savour what's happening around them like having a doughnut dunked in coffee, tea or milk - whichever the preference.
Are you one of those who take the time to let things sink in? Of course, we have those who go on with life as if nothing has happened - as long as they are left alone. But how long will they be left alone in cases of global menaces? Look how the pandemic happened. In the first instance, people took it like it was okay to mingle and pass the virus around.
Nothing makes sense anymore:
There is rising fear worldwide with wars ongoing, places of worship vandalised, bombed and beautiful historical places desecrated or becoming irrelevant to save anymore. "Let the historical monument die so that one chapter of the past can be erased." Who cares if anyone wants to know what happened thousands of years ago.
All because men are unhappy. Every little negativity happens when one is unhappy. That's when anger sets in and before you know it, war breaks out, or better yet, places of worship become targets, friends become enemies, and no one cares anymore.
I think right now, the root of all evil is money. Everyone is trying to make money and more money. So they build nuclear arms, have the latest satellite trackers, and newer weapons of destruction. Forget about how lives can be lost. They have new toys to play with. What's a loss of a nation when trying to outdo one another.
If men didn't have excess money, they wouldn't kill. They would be sitting in the Bahamas enjoying the scenic view and sipping champagne.
I cannot imagine this - if there is a war right on the other end of the globe, people from way down here will react just as negatively, without compassion and start a war of words which ultimately will turn into bitterness or bitter friends, causing disunity and in the end, turn men into solitary human beings. They will start taking walks in the woods alone because they prefer their own company. It gets tiring after a while, so let's just stay away from each other.
In the end, it will be I, me and myself - we die with nothing, except a name. You die with either a good name or go to your grave known for all the bad you have done.
Get your Halloween Cards Here: Beautiful creations handcrafted just for YOU.
Saturday, October 14, 2023
Maybe It's Time To Pray Hard!
The world and its atrocity shatter lives everywhere, every day. Not a minute goes by without someone crying over a dead body. One starts and the other responds just as cruelly. The magnitude of the devastation is unbelievable.
Men and their wayward way of thinking. This has been a century of fools and folly. And, nature stands amid it all - crumbling and tarnished.
None sees the destruction because the need to survive is greater for some, and, for others, to be victorious rules their hearts and minds.
The ways of evil are many. Innocent people are subjected to wars of every kind. War begins with evil men devising plans because they don't care about ordinary people or their children. They don't care about peace and cry the cry of a blood bath. Some in the names of their Gods. But, when has God said to kill in his name when it is an abhorrence.
The perils of evil lie in the hands of those who think selfishly. Even sorcery has tragically taken hold of lives. Can you imagine that? In this day and age when black magic thrives, you think of primitive ways of the olden era. The rituals should have been abolished a long time ago. Many have fallen victim to the viles of these evil men.
When the world has come this low, where nature is desecrated and landmarks demolished, when men think that their positions in power and their commands can belittle the people they are supposed to protect and their lives upheld, then it is time for us to get down on our knees and pray. Pray hard for the foolhardy and their weapons through which they have mastered the art of killing mercilessly.
Pray hard because we have fallen into the wrong hands.
Here's a video of The Dramatic 2020 - While the world watches in horror. A reminder that we may lose it all soon, especially our children.
Friday, September 29, 2023
Nature Needs Allies
Nature is all around us and provides us with things we need to survive, especially, a conducive environment, clean air to breathe, water to drink, and food to eat.
Nature is a place for plants and animals to thrive and grow. It not only provides us with shelter, medicine, and countless other resources but also gives us the four seasons to describe our countries and unique senses.
Right now, nature is dangerously fragile. Dire consequences of thoughtless actions by men, like wars which desecrate the beauty of landscapes and historical monuments, littering of the oceans and global warming have destroyed nature more than ever in history.
It took a lifetime for men of the past, poets and men of distinction to counter and write about the beauty of nature which will soon erode and vanish from the face of the Earth if unscrupulous activities are left unchecked.
Men are constantly damaging the roots of nature, and when things get out of hand, they try to rectify their mistakes and make amends. However, it has always been known that prevention is better than cure.
And, where nature is concerned, we are in limbo to cure all wrong and prevention is out of the question now. Just imagine, it will take the whole of the population on Earth to rebuild nature and bring it back to its past glory.
If that can ever happen.
Nature is a gift, and we need to cherish it. If we take care of it, it will take care of us.
News & Views:
Mysterious ‘fairy circles’ found dotting Africa and Australia now found in more parts of world
Multiple theories to explain formation of enigmatic circular patterns have been put forward over five decades
Shobana's Gifts & Cards Collection is now on sale on Gumroad.
You can access the website here: https://shobanagomes7.gumroad.com
Thank you for your support.
Friday, September 22, 2023
The Heart of the Matter
This morning when I woke up at 5.30 am, it was raining outside. My first thought went to the flowers growing outside. I wouldn't have to water them when it pours like that.
Even so, I love watering the plants, pulling out a weed or two and simply admiring the tiny buds of roses or the purple flowers that create an aesthetic front view of my house. They are a sight for sore eyes.
Anyway, the world has realized the importance of Earth's greenhouses, no matter how small, far between or wide, the length and breadth of a nurtured Earth would have stopped the drastic climate change that has escalated. Everywhere, there's some form of natural disaster taking place. Do you recall the tsunami, the devastating earthquakes, the flooding, the drought and the poor glaciers which are melting at an alarming rate? What of the North Pole and the Polar bears?
Sometimes, I wonder if it is too late to make amends. Just like how it is with men who go to war, who spur racial slurs, and who create division and unrest.
A writer denounces anything that stands in the way of a polished work. Just like that, I think God polished his creation on the seventh day and gave us humans 70-seven times chances to keep it as pristine as he created it. Well, none of us had it in us to do what was entrusted to us.
As it still rains, I write this note to you. The rain will stop nevertheless for the sun to come up once again. However, I am not sure about the pain in our hearts for a world so ravaged.
What is the heart of the matter?
The heart of the matter is that the pain of rain should be felt deep inside. It is not everywhere that it rains, and it is not always that we can redeem ourselves or make things as it was before. To amend what had gone wrong with our ways and thinking.
Life is meant to be lived to the fullest. Not killed off in ways unimaginable, like we did with our beautiful planet.
With that, I write as I should, and will myself to hope that all of humanity now work together to stay alive and well.
Have a lovely weekend.
A Bientot,
Published on Gumroad on 22/09/2023
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Shobana Gift & Cards has new items for sale on Gumroad You will love them. Just for You cards handcrafted with love.
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Just For You Card:
News & Views:
For writers and readers or anyone with a penchant for a fun-loving, professional and vibrant network to join, please visit Pat Rullo's Speak-Up Talk Radio.com. They have podcasting, audio and writing services apart from others, plus all their services come with a charitable twist.
Right now they are open to novel and podcasting submissions.
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Thursday, September 14, 2023
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